بازی Cutthroat Caverns

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"Without teamwork, you will never survive. Without betrayal, you’ll never win."

Cutthroat Caverns is played over 9 rounds, each with a random encounter. Essentially a game of 'kill stealing'. Each round, any monster encountered will have a prestige value of 1 through 6. The player that successfully jockeys for position and lands the killing blow gets the prestige value for the encounter. Some encounters will not have a specific monster, such as a trap room for the heroes to pass through (and in this case, earning no prestige). The surviving player with the most prestige after the 9 encounters is the winner. If the players do not survive all 9 encounters, no one wins the game.

A unique combination of cooperative game play and opportunistic backstabbing.
Awards & Honors

    2008 Golden Geek Best Party Board Game Nominee
    2008 Golden Geek Best Card Game Nominee

ادامه مطلبنمایش کمتر
جزئیات محصول
کالاهای مشابه
موردی یافت نشد



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