بازی 13Days - The Cuban Missile Crisis

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Experience the dense Cold War suspense and scratch that Twilight Struggle itch in only 45 minutes.

13 Days: The Cuban Missile Crisis is a nail-biting, theme saturated two-player strategy game about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Your fate is determined by how well you deal with the inherent dilemmas of the game, and the conflict.

1) Will you push to gain prestige at the risk of escalating the crisis to global nuclear war?
2) How do you best manage your hand of cards to further your own plans while depriving your opponent of options?

Work out these dilemmas in order to emerge as victor of the Cuban Missile Crisis after thirteen suspenseful days.

13 Days: The Cuban Missile Crisis is a meaty filler utilizing the card-driven game mechanisms. Rich with history, yet accessible to gamers with no prior knowledge of the crisis. It is targeted specifically at catering to two groups of gamers: the enthusiasts that just don't have the time they used to and the curious newcomers that are scared off by the heavy commitment and long play times of the classics in the genre.

 2018 International Gamers Award - General Strategy: Two-players Nominee
2016 Guldbrikken Best Adult Game Nominee
2016 Golden Geek Best 2-Player Board Game Nominee
2016 Cardboard Republic Striker Laurel Nominee

ادامه مطلبنمایش کمتر
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تعداد نفرات: 2 تا 6 نفره (بهترین حالت: 4 نفره) زمان بازی: حدود 60 تا 120 دقیقه مناسب برای بازیکنان بالای 12 سال



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