بازی Wallet

پیشنهاد ویژه محدود
ناموجود در انبار - قابل سفارش نمیباشد!
اضافه به مقایسه0
افزودن به علاقه‌مندی‌ها

A birthday party hosted by the mafia boss was roaring fun until the police knocked at the door. While getting away on his private helicopter, he dropped his precious wallet. Now what will you all do with it?

In Wallet, players are the guests rummaging through the wallet looking for an ID (that'll make them seem innocent in the eyes of the law) and some cash (you can't take too much — it will look suspicious!). During your turn, you choose one action: take a card from the wallet, hide a card in the wallet, flip a timer card (bringing the round closer to its end), or buy an ID card. You may also use your special cards to spoil your opponent's play. Strategy, bluff, unexpected events... You need to have a perfect hand as fast as you can — try to be both innocent and rich by the end of the round!

Will you be found guilty or manage to escape the hand of justice with the most cash

ادامه مطلبنمایش کمتر
جزئیات محصول
کالاهای مشابه
موردی یافت نشد
خریداران این محصول، این کالاها را نیز خریده اند:
آدرنالین (Adrenaline) آدرنالین (Adrenaline)
پیشنهاد ویژه محدود
ناموجود در انبار - قابل سفارش نمیباشد!



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